Pedal Data

Empowering Every Step

Pedal Data Pioneers a Value-Based Parkinson's Gait Tracking with Insole Sensors and AI algorithms for a Healthier Tomorrow.

Technology collaboration with NEC X 

With 13 Patents pending and 6 Research Publications:
Step into prevention: Insole sensor revolutionizing care, measuring gait, and halting disease progression with precision

Our state-of-the-art insole sensor represents a paradigm shift in digital health for Neurodegenerative Diseases such as Parkinson's, aligning seamlessly with the value-based healthcare framework by prioritizing preventive measures and personalized care. This revolutionary technology not only accurately measures gait dynamics but also plays a pivotal role in halting the progression of various diseases, adhering to the core principles of value-based healthcare.

Aligned with Value-Based Care

Early Detection and Prevention:
   Risk Stratification: Our insole sensor enables early identification of gait abnormalities, serving as a proactive tool for risk stratification. By pinpointing subtle changes in gait patterns, it facilitates the early detection of conditions associated with mobility issues.
   Preventive Interventions: Equipped with real-time monitoring capabilities, the sensor allows for timely interventions. Healthcare providers can personalize preventive strategies, reducing the risk of disease progression and associated complications.

Patient-Centric Care:
   Continuous Monitoring
: Our insole sensor fosters continuous, non-intrusive monitoring of an individual's gait in real-world settings. This patient-centric approach ensures a more holistic understanding of their mobility patterns, supporting tailored care plans.
   Empowering Patients: By offering individuals insights into their gait dynamics, the sensor empowers patients to actively engage in their health. Increased awareness enables them to make informed lifestyle choices and adhere to prescribed interventions, fostering a collaborative approach to care.

Outcome-Based Measurement:
   Quantifiable Metrics
: Our sensor generates quantifiable metrics related to gait, such as stride length, step count, and foot clearance. These objective measurements serve as tangible indicators of patient progress, aligning with the outcome-focused nature of value-based healthcare.
   Severity Scoring: Incorporating machine learning algorithms, the sensor assesses the severity of gait changes. This scoring system provides a standardized and objective measure, facilitating consistent evaluation of outcomes across different patient populations.

Resource Efficiency and Cost Reduction:
   Targeted Interventions: With early detection and personalized interventions, the insole sensor contributes to more targeted and efficient use of healthcare resources. By addressing issues before they escalate, the technology helps reduce the economic burden associated with advanced disease management.
   Remote Monitoring: The ability to remotely monitor gait patterns minimizes the need for frequent in-person visits. This not only enhances patient convenience but also optimizes healthcare resource allocation.

Our insole sensor stands at the forefront of digital health innovation, aligning with the principles of value-based healthcare. By focusing on early detection, patient-centric care, outcome-based measurement, and resource efficiency, this technology exemplifies the transformative potential of digital health in enhancing both patient outcomes and the overall value delivered by healthcare systems.


World-class IOT and Mobile technology with cloud-based AI data analytics

With 13 US Patents Pending (already issued in Japan), and a Clinical IRB trial underway, we are advancing Parkinson's research through cutting-edge gait analysis technology.

Advanced Sensor

Our device seamlessly captures multiple foot motion measurements, providing a comprehensive understanding of gait dynamics. The accelerometer precisely records linear acceleration, while the gyroscope captures angular velocity, enabling real-time computation of key parameters such as stride length, cadence, and foot clearance.  

Comfort Insole

Compact and unobtrusive, our Gait Sensor is seamlessly integrated into insole designs, ensuring comfort without compromising performance. With robust data collection capabilities, it empowers researchers, clinicians, and enthusiasts alike to delve into the intricate nuances of gait, fostering a new era of personalized biomechanical insights. Unlock the potential of motion data with our Gait Sensor—where precision meets simplicity, revolutionizing the landscape of gait analysis.

AI & Data Analysis

Our innovative AI algorithms leverage data from our gait sensor equipped with an accelerometer and gyroscope to deliver comprehensive, real-time foot motion measurements. This cutting-edge solution not only captures intricate details of gait dynamics but also assesses the severity of any detected changes, providing invaluable insights for clinical and research applications.

Scientific & Engineering Publications

Identification of characteristics of foot position and angle during swing phase in fallers using principal component analysis

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Biomechanical Characteristics of Long Stair Climbing in Healthy Young Individuals in a Real-World Study Using a Wearable Motion Analysis System

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Assessment method of balance ability of older adults using an in-shoe motion sensor

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Estimation of Hand Grip Strength Using Foot motion Measured by In-shoe Motion Sensor

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On-Line Algorithms of Stride-Parameter Estimation for in-Shoe Motion-Sensor System

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Method for Estimating Temporal Gait Parameters Concerning Bilateral Lower Limbs of Healthy Subjects Using a Single In-Shoe Motion Sensor through a Gait Event Detection Approach

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Foot-Healthcare Application Using Inertial Sensor: Estimating First Metatarsophalangeal Angle From Foot Motion During Walking

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Frances McCoy


The Parkinson's gait analysis Insole Sensor was a game-changer for me, providing accurate and real-time feedback on my gait abnormalities, allowing me to track my progress and work with my clinician to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Avery Woodard


The Parkinson's gait analysis Insole sensor has greatly improved my ability to track and manage my gait abnormalities, providing accurate and objective measurements that have helped me to develop a more effective treatment plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Parkinson's disease?

Parkinson's disease is a chronic and progressive neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system, particularly the part of the brain responsible for controlling movement.
The most common symptoms of Parkinson's disease include tremors, stiffness, slowness of movement (bradykinesia), and impaired balance and coordination. In addition to these motor symptoms, Parkinson's disease can also cause non-motor symptoms such as depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, and sleep disorders. While there is currently no cure for Parkinson's disease, there are treatments available that can help manage the symptoms of the disease and improve the quality of life for patients. These treatments may include medications, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery.     

What are the common symptoms of Parkinson's disease?

Tremors: shaking or trembling of the hands, arms, legs, jaw, or head, especially when the body is at rest.
Bradykinesia: slowness of movement, which can make simple tasks such as walking or getting dressed more difficult. Rigidity: stiffness and inflexibility of the limbs and joints, which can cause muscle pain and make movements more difficult. Postural instability: difficulty maintaining balance, which can lead to falls. Impaired coordination: difficulty with tasks that require fine motor skills, such as writing or buttoning clothes. Changes in speech and writing: a softer, slower, or monotone voice, and handwriting that becomes smaller and more cramped. Non-motor symptoms: depression, anxiety, fatigue, sleep disorders, and cognitive impairment. It's important to note that not all Parkinson's disease patients will experience all of these symptoms, and the progression of the disease can vary from person to person.

How does Parkinson's disease affect gait?

Reduced stride length: Parkinson's disease can cause a decrease in the length of a person's steps, leading to a shuffling gait. Slower gait speed: Parkinson's disease can also slow down a person's walking speed, making it take longer to cover the same distance. Impaired balance: Parkinson's disease can make it difficult to maintain balance while walking, increasing the risk of falls. Difficulty initiating movement: Parkinson's disease can cause difficulty initiating movement, which can make it challenging to start walking. Freezing of gait: Parkinson's disease can also cause sudden and brief episodes of freezing in which a person's feet feel glued to the ground, making it difficult to take steps. Gait abnormalities in Parkinson's disease can worsen over time and affect a person's ability to carry out activities of daily living. Gait analysis can help clinicians to quantify these changes and monitor disease progression.

What are the benefits of gait analysis for Parkinson's disease patients?

Gait analysis can provide several benefits for Parkinson's disease patients including:
Objective measurement of gait abnormalities: Gait analysis can objectively measure changes in gait that may not be apparent to the patient or their clinician. Early detection of gait abnormalities: Gait analysis can detect changes in gait early, before they become severe and affect a person's ability to carry out daily activities. Customized treatment plans: Gait analysis can help clinicians develop individualized treatment plans for patients based on their specific gait abnormalities. Monitoring of disease progression: Gait analysis can help monitor disease progression over time and adjust treatment plans as needed. Improved quality of life: By identifying and addressing gait abnormalities, gait analysis can improve a person's ability to walk and carry out daily activities, leading to an improved quality of life. Overall, gait analysis can be a valuable tool in the diagnosis and management of Parkinson's disease, helping to improve outcomes and quality of life for patients.


What our customers write about us

Thanks to the Parkinson's gait analysis, I now have a better understanding of my gait abnormalities, allowing me to make targeted lifestyle changes and work with my clinician

Stan Watson


I am so grateful for the Parkinson's gait analysis system, which has helped me to better understand and manage my symptoms

Johnathan Brown



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3101 Park Boulevard
Palo Alto, CA, 94306, US

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Leading Parkinson's Gait Analysis Data platform